Friday, August 13, 2010

Beethoven Term 1 Composer 2010

2010-2011 TERM 1 (This term's artist is Albrecht Durer -1500, Renaissance) Ludwig von Beethoven (1810) (Classical/Romantic)

Listening selections for this term:

Piano Sonata 8 (Pathetique) Opus 13

Piano Sonata 14 (Moonlight) Op 27

Symphony No. 3 (Erocia-meaning 'heroic') Opus 55

String Quartets opus 59, no.1-3 (Razumovsky Quartets)

Piano Concerto 5 (Emporer) Op 73

Symphony No. 9 (the one with Ode to Joy at the end) Opus 125

I think I got all the Term 1 selections on this playlist:

-- Phyllis, now in Ukraine

Thanks Phyllis!

The children, especially Cody, love Beethoven.  Cody's favorite is Symphony No. 9.  I like the third movement of Piano Sonata 14 Op27.  Claire likes Beethoven's 5th played at ear shattering decibels, but it was not a term selection.

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