Thursday, April 28, 2011


Road To Emmaus

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Calling of St. Matthew

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Adoration of the Shepherds

Sacrifice of Isaac

DeLacroix: Term 3 artist

Hamlet and Horatio In The Graveyard

Arabian Horses Fighting In a Stable

The Sultan of Morocco and His Entourage

Portrait of Frederick Chopin

Entry of Crusaders Into Constantinople

The Lion Hunt

A Diamond Or A Coal by Christina Rossetti

A diamond or a coal?
A diamond if you please.
Who cares about a clumsy coal
Beneath the summer trees.
A diamond or a coal?
A coal sir, if you please;
One comes to care about the coal
At times when waters freeze.

Brown And Furry by Christina Rossetti

Brown and furry
Caterpillar in a hurry,
Take your walk
To the shady leaf, or stalk,
Or what not,
Which may be the chosen spot
No toad spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you;
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.

If A Pig Wore A Wig by Christina Rossetti

If a pig wore a wig,
What could we say?
Treat him as a gentleman,
And say, "Good day."
If his tail chanced to fail,
What could we do?
Send him to the tailoress
To get one new.