Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lady Moon by Lord Houghton

Lady Moon, Lady Moon, where are you roving?
     Over the sea.
Lady Moon, Lady Moon, whom are you loving?
     All that love me.
Are you not tired with rolling, and never resting to sleep?
Why look so pale and so sad, as forever wishing to weep?

Ask me not this, little child, if you love me;
     You are too bold.
I must obey the dear Father above me,
    And do as I'm told.
Lady Moon, Lady Moon, where are you roving?
     Over the sea.
Lady Moon, Lady Moon, whom are you loving?
     All that love me.

The Little Turtle by Vachel Lindsay

There was a little turtle.
He lived in a box.
He swam in a puddle.
He climbed on the rocks.
He snapped at a mosquito.
He snapped at a flea.
He snapped at a minnow.
And he snapped at me.
He caught the mosquito.
He caught the flea.
He caught the minnow.
But he didn't catch me.

If I Knew by Maud Wyman

If I knew a box where the smiles are kept,
No matter how large the key
Or strong the bolt, I would try so hard
'Twould open, I know, for me;
Then over the land and the sea broadcast,
I'd scatter the smiles to play,
That the children's faces might hold them fast
For many and many a day.

If I knew a box that was large enough
To hold all the frowns I meet,
I would like to gather them every one,
From the nursery, school, and street;
Then folding and holding, I'd pack them in
And turning the monster key,
I'd hire a giant to drop the box
To the depths of the deep, deep sea.