Saturday, August 14, 2010


I wasn't sure whether to label this as history or art because it is both. 

We are currently reading about Charlemagne in our history of the early church.

 He is also coming up soon in Synge's Discovery of New Worlds. 

This is a painting done by this term's artist; Albrecht Durer.


We decided to go fishing this morning before it became too hot.  We stopped by the bait shop, picked out some nice fresh worms and headed east to Grandad's lake.

The fish must have been hungry because they were really biting.  Claire caught the first fish within about 2 min. of our arrival.  She caught 8 more after that!

Cody caught two.
Clay didn't even get a chance to bait his own hook.  He was too busy taking fish off of Claire's!

Licorice wanted to catch a fish, too.  She jumped in and proudly retrieved our bobbers several times before she finally was hooked and decided it wasn't a good idea.

Grandad joined us just when the fish were beginning to go elsewhere.  He decided it would be a good time to clear out some brush.  Clay helped him hook that nasty underwater tree that is always giving our lines fits to the come-along, and slowly, but surely, they heaved that thing out of the lake, never to steal another hook again.

By noon, we were hot, tired, and out of bait.  Bye, bye lake!  Bye fish.  See you soon!