Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nature v. Nurture

"Children aren't born being racists, they are taught to be," a statement I've often heard throughout my life.  Some days, I believe it to be mostly true.  Other days, I think I only WANT it to be true.   
These goslings were hatched together in an incubator, then immediately packed together into a box and shipped to us.  They have never seen other geese.  As far as they know, they are the only 8 geese in the whole world.  They know nothing about genetics or parents.  This photo was taken less than 1 hour after they were unpacked and placed into their new home.  Look how they have already segregated.  Truly astonishing!

If at first you don't succeed...

Try and try again.  We've decided to follow the wisdom of that popular saying.  After losing all of our geese to a predator, we ordered 8 more from Meyer Hatchery in Ohio.  Instead of just getting Embdens, we opted for the "hatchery mix," which was less expensive and maybe more interesting.  They choose an assortment from White Chinese, White Embden, and Gray Toulouse male and female.  We're still not sure exactly what we have, but there are 3 yellows, (which will be white), and 5 browns.