Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Sad Day

As Clay was leaving for work, he noticed a lifeless goose carcass beside the barn.  Upon further investigation, it was discovered that everything that slept in the barn that night had been massacred: all 3 geese and 3 Americauna chickens.  We were devastated!  I felt an unusual animosity towards the perpetrator--we're still unsure exactly who it was.  I understand the need to survive is what usually drives a predator to take one bird for an easy meal.  I don't like it, but I understand it.  However, whatever this was went beyond catching a good meal.  It didn't stop killing until it had killed every single thing leaving several uneaten carcasses behind, almost as if it had simply killed for sport.  That is deeply disturbing.

We did have 5 hens and our rooster locked in a different coop and they were unharmed.  So, we're down to only 6 poultry, our lowest number ever.

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