Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Piano Recital

Claire's recital piece

I'm so nervous!  It is Claire's first piano recital.  The queasy feeling in my tummy suggests that it is I, not she, that will be walking across the stage to perform in front of dozens of adoring family members.  I prepared a pep talk, told her that I know just how she feels, even gave her the option of backing out if it was too stressful.  "Mom, I'm not nervous at all.  Just calm down," she replied.

NOT NERVOUS!  How can she not be NERVOUS!  I'm a wreck.  I turned to one of the few things that give me stress relief: not alcohol, not drugs, not nicotine--hairspray!  Doesn't her hair look adorable?

Warming up just prior to the
big event.

There she is, announcing her piece.  I feel proud
and nauseated at the same time.

Awarded as best new student with a certificate and chocolates?
Well, there are a few disadvantages to enlisting outside help.

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