Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 1-2: Creation Unit

God's creating the world was the theme for our first two weeks of Kindergarten.  Cody learned numbers 1-7.  He also began learning letter names.  He does know the alphabet song, but the only letters he can visually recognize are C-O-D and Y.  We will begin learning letter sounds in week 3.

Here are his drawings to illustrate the 7 days of creation.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Cody Starts Kindergarten

What a hard worker!
This is the same curriculum
I used with Claire, so at
least I have some experience.
It is finally time for Cody to begin Kindergarten.  He is excited, I am nervous.

Cody's favorite Science book.
Cody learning his ABCs.

We use this for Math.
Cody also started piano lessons.

Our main Science/Nature book.